Professional Pest Control & Wildlife Management
Brown/Common Rat
If you see a rat in Britain today is almost certainly the Common or Brown Rat Rattus Norvegicus. The Black Rat Rattus rattus which carries the bubonic plague is virtually extinct here in the UK. Its brown cousin also known as the Norway rat is now so numerous that they out number people by at least five-to-one, meaning they are never more than 15 meters away from you and a lot closer if you live in a town or city.
Rats are deeply unpleasent creatures, they can enter our homes, steal our food, deficate leaving awful smells behind, chew right through electrical wiring and carry lots of harmful diseases and illnesses.
If you would like to make an appointment, need advice or would like to ask us a question please use the enquiry form or call us on 01284 799 398.
Rat incisor teeth grow at an amazing 2.2mm per week! It is this rapid growth rate which causes rats like all rodents to gnaw to prevent excessive growth. Unfortunately when occupying loft cavities they often choose wiring to gnaw upon, 15% of house fires are the result of rodent damage to electrical wiring!
Although brown rats do not carry bubonic plague they do harbour an impressive array of other diseases, such as Weils Disease, Salmonella, Rat Bite Fever(murhine typhus), Trichinosis and Hantavirus.
If you have seen a rat around your property, have tennis ball sized holes in your garden or are hearing noises in your loft you can call us for advice or to arrange a free survey.
A rat treatment begins with a full survey of the property where we will look to identify rat sign, entry/access points, feeding sites/sources and locate likely harbourages.
Next we present you with our findings and determine the best strategy and course of action to solve the problem taking into account health and safety, risks to non-target wildlife, the environment, pets and children etc.
We often combine more than more technique to achieve results in a minimum amount of time. Treatments at our disposal include rodenticide grains, wax blocks, pasta baits, gels, contact dusts, liquid bait, a variety of humane traps and also live catch traps.
We are determined to offer the best service possible, so we carry anti-bacterial sprays and powerful odour eaters which can be left with you in case anything enters your home or leaves a bad smell.
Prevention is better than cure and we have various proofing measures in the forms of brush stripping doors, hole-filling and screen doors.
Prices are subject to our free initial survey and are relative to scale of the infestation and areas covered.
Life Cycle
The Brown rat grows to a good size – upto 500gms. Being omnivorous they eat just about everything but seed grain would be their favourite. Good climbers they often take up residency in our lofts where they can cause extensive damage to wiring and insulation.
One of the reasons the rat is so successful is their breeding rate. A short gestation period of just 21 days, litter size of around eight which will reach maturity at just three months old and up to six litters per year means that even a small infestation can escalate quite dramatically.
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